Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-11-14 12:28:31


Rate Your Favorite Tutorials

Hi All,

You've all probably noticed the feature allowing you to rate and comment on tutorials.  If there has been a tutorial or two that you have found particularly useful, it would be great if you could give it a rating/comment.  Unfortunately this feature has not been utilized very much on the site to date.

As more people do this, we can collectively surface the content most valuable to the community, which is a really good thing.  To rate a tutorial, simply view the tutorial page, hover over the star rating you wish to give and click.  Also let us know if you are finding the tutorials helpful or not.  How can we make them better for you?


Last edited by **_dyun_** (2009-04-13 12:54:04)


#2 2009-05-04 04:13:25


Re: Rate Your Favorite Tutorials

Ideally we want to make it easy for our managers to run reports to see the status of all of their employees in this training.
organisme de credit

Last edited by **_redpen_** (2009-05-04 04:13:56)


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