Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-10-16 16:20:54


Using a log analyser with Connect

Management has ask for a way to know who is logged into the Connect server at any particular time. I have been tasked with getting this done. Since time is a factor I was looking for a simple turnkey solution that just parses out the access.log file.

I am finding that the log files seem to use non-standard column names because the applications I am using seem unable to determin what data goes where (i.e. dates appearing in the DNS column, user names coming through as dates).

Assuming there is no way to configure the log output in Connect, has anyone had success with an API or other solution? I am not a coder by any means, but if that's the only way to get this info then I would be willing to hack something together.

We are running a licensed version of Connect Enterprise 7.

Last edited by **_wsipc-mike_** (2008-10-16 16:28:22)


#2 2008-10-16 17:13:11


Re: Using a log analyser with Connect

There are a few ways to tackle this one.  The supported method would be to use the APIs, and in particular, report-active-meetings, which will give you a list of all active meetings, their SCO IDs.  You can then get specifics on each meeting.

Another method (unsupported, will potentially break with scheme changes from release-to-release, yadda yadda) is to get directly at the DB.  You could create a read-only view, for example, and then display that in whatever way your management has requested (Flex, CSV, HTML, ...)


#3 2008-10-16 18:00:03


Re: Using a log analyser with Connect

I think the API solutions is best, but my first feeble attempt at cobbling together a Coldfusion file failed miserably. I was using an old Breeze 5 integration guide, so maybe that old document is no longer relevant.

Any advice for a n00b?


#4 2008-10-17 07:07:14


Re: Using a log analyser with Connect

Definitely grab the later version (Connect 6 or 7) of the docs.  I think the API flow is going to go something like:

1) login = use an admin set of credentials, and check the XML response to make sure you get a status of "ok"
2) report-active-meetings = you can then parse the XML response for a list of current meetings

If Flex is an option, then you could make use of the HTTPService, and not use the server at all.

Good luck!


#5 2008-10-17 11:53:26


Re: Using a log analyser with Connect

Any idea where to get a more current version of the integration guide? My Google searches have come up empty. Everything just points to that same v5 document.


#6 2008-10-17 11:59:48


Re: Using a log analyser with Connect

Ah, nevermind I found it here: … rvices.pdf

My Google searches were coming up empty because they are not calling it an 'integration guide' anymore. Now it's the 'web services guide' or some such.

Here's to hoping I can learn what I am doing before I break the server ;0)


#7 2008-10-29 17:33:32


Re: Using a log analyser with Connect

Well, after a couple of weeks, I am actually having pretty decent success getting this to work! I am using curl to grab the xml and save it somewhere on my server (then schedule it to get a new copy every 5 minutes or so). Then I use PowerShell to insert a reference to an xsl file that I made. Now my manger can see all currently running meetings any time. Thanks for all your help!

However, there is one little thing that I cannot figure out. When I use the 'report-active-meetings' call, it always shows active participants as 1. No matter how many guests are in the room, it's always 1. According to the API guide the 'active participants' should reflect "The number of users attending the meeting in progress, including hosts and presenters.".

Am I missing a step here? Is it maybe only counting principles and not guest users?


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