Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2015-09-24 04:57:08


MP4 conversion and price


Can you please help me understand the additional fee we'd have to pay to have the MP4 feature enabled.

Also - is there a trial possible? I need to be sure the quality of converted MP4 is as good as the FLV link.

I could give you a call if you'd prefer.



#2 2015-09-24 11:59:56


Re: MP4 conversion and price

The fee for the MP4 conversion is to utilize a service for the Hosted environment that will convert your meeting recordings to MP4 videos. I don't believe there is a trial for it, but they should be very similar in quality as the FLV's you can make your self.

For what it's worth, when your account is updated to Connect 9.5, you'll be able to create MP4's yourself like you make FLV's. Shown here: … /index.php

The service for the MP4 recordings will continue to be available if you don't have the time/resources to do it on your local computer.


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