Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-06-26 23:49:28


Web tour functionality

It would be nice to have web tour functionality without simply sharing an application (browser)  full screen. 
-open a website on everyone's browser
-show them around a bit
-allow them to browse on their own for a few minutes
-be able to pull everyone back to the page you are on.
-potentially then hand over control to a another attendee to take everyone on a similar web tour.


#2 2009-07-17 12:37:00


Re: Web tour functionality

The screen share is really the best option for this. That being said there a few other options, you could create a custom pod or swf application. To have attendees browse freely they can open a new browser window while the meeting window runs in the background. This would allow your audio to still be heard by attendees; the only issue that may arise is getting people back to the meeting window.

The way that Connect pro handles screen sharing requires very low bandwidth compared to other applications like WebEX, GotoMeeting, etc.. It also allows for demonstration applications to be run at the same time, like showing mouse clicks or playing a sound when you left click with you mouse. The whiteboard function in Connect Pro is also available to highlight sections or links in the page you are browsing.

The screen share is the best option here.


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