Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2021-04-06 06:12:45


Adobe Connect disconnection with users


I am working on Adobe Connect 11.

I am having Adobe Connect disconnection problems with users.

In the "MasterLog_9999.log" file of connect, I have the following messages:

(error): Failed to AddListeningUrl for adobeconnect error = 183
(error): Failed to AddListeningUrl for Adobe Connect server IP error = 1214
(error): Failed to AddListeningUrl for RTMP server IP Adobe Connect error = 1214
(error): Failed to AddListeningUrl for ACTS Adobe Connect server IP error = 1214

The ACS, ACTS, AMAS, AMS services are well started.


I have configured in the '"custom.ini" file:

ADMIN_PROTOCOL = https: //
SSl_ONLY = yes


DEFAULT_FCS_HOSTPORT =: 1935,9002,443
RTMP_SEQUENCE = rtmps: // external-host: 1935 /? Rtmp: // localhost: 8506 /, rtmps: // external-host: 9002 /? Rtmp: // localhost: 8506 /, rtmps: // external-host: 443 /? Rtmp: // localhost: 8506 /


ACTS_PROTOCOL = wss: 443

in the "stunnel.conf" file the following elements and the rtmps, acts and https sections:

; Protocol version (all, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1)
sslVersion = all
options = NO_SSLv2
options = NO_SSLv3

renegotiation = no
; Disable FIPS mode to allow non-approved protocols and algorithms
fips = no

; Some performance tunings
socket = l: TCP_NODELAY = 1
socket = r: TCP_NODELAY = 1
TIMEOUTclose = 0

accept = IP2: 443

connect =

; Certificate information for Connect.
; This assumes you put the cert and key in the root folder of stunnel
cert = adobeconnect-rtmp.crt
key = adobeconnect-rtmp.key
ciphers = ALL:! ADH:! LOW:! EXP:! MD5: @STRENGTH

accept = IP3: 443

; When stunnel is on the same box, simply leave the below IP address as
connect =

; Certificate information for Connect.
; This assumes you put the cert and key in the root folder of stunnel
cert = adobeconnect-acts.crt
key = adobeconnect-acts.key
ciphers = ALL:! ADH:! LOW:! EXP:! MD5: @STRENGTH

; incoming vip for https (This is to secure Web)
; ip address that resolves to the ConnectProHost (Web App FQDN).
; listens on port 443
accept = IP1: 443

; When stunnel is on the same box, simply leave the below IP address as
; send the unecrypted request to port 8443
connect =

; Certificate information for Connect.
; This assumes you put the cert and key in the root folder of stunnel
cert = adobeconnect.crt
key = adobeconnect.key
ciphers = ALL:! ADH:! LOW:! EXP:! MD5: @STRENGTH


Besides, I have a surprising HTTP header error in the "catalina.log" file under tomcat:

http-80-19 (INFO) Error parsing an HTTP request header Note: The following occurrences of HTTP request parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG level.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name. HTTP names must be "tokens".

at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11InputBuffer.parseRequestLine( ~[tomcat-coyote.jar:9.0.35]
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service( ~[tomcat-coyote.jar:9.0.35]
at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process( ~[tomcat-coyote.jar:9.0.35]
at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process( ~[tomcat-coyote.jar:9.0.35]
at$SocketProcessor.doRun( ~[tomcat-coyote.jar:9.0.35]
at ~[tomcat-coyote.jar:9.0.35]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:1.8.0_251]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:1.8.0_251]
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$ ~[tomcat-util.jar:9.0.35]
at [?:1.8.0_251]

Thank you for your collaboration.

Best regards,


#2 2021-04-06 10:47:37


Re: Adobe Connect disconnection with users


There are a few items here that are likely causing the issues.

First, remove the spaces in the lines on this file.

You should be able to drop the DEFAULT_FCS_HOSTPORT=1935,9002,443. It is a old line that isn't needed and your ports are not correct. It would be 1935,9002,8443, but those are the defaults so listing them in the custom.ini is just file bloat.

Your RTMP_SEQUENCE is just going to break. If you want the meetings to Connect with RTMPS it will be over port 443. You can force it by putting the line as RTMP_SEQUENCE=rtmps://external-host:443/?rtmp://localhost:8506. If you wanted to have RTMP you could add that before or after the RTMPS option, depending on if you wanted RTMP or RTMPS as the fall back. RTMPS and then RTMP would like like this RTMP_SEQUENCE=rtmps://external-host:443/?rtmp://localhost:8506,rtmp://external-host:1935/?rtmp://localhost:8506.

For the ACTS configuration, I'd just have ACTS_PROTOCOL=wss:443. The admin port should be left as default.

To give a full picture, I'd have this in the custom.ini







This looks good. If Stunnel isn't throwing errors, I'd probably look at Connect first.


#3 2021-04-07 09:12:56


Re: Adobe Connect disconnection with users


Thank for your answer and help.


I have an error in the "MasterLog_9999.log" connect log file:


[2021-04-07 11: 25: 07.658544] [0x00000f84] (error): Failed to AddListeningUrl for adobeconnect error = 183



[2021-04-07 11: 25: 07.658544] [0x00000f84] (info): listening to IP1 - adobe connect server
[2021-04-07 11: 25: 07.658544] [0x00000f84] (info): listening to IP2 - rtmp server
[2021-04-07 11: 25: 07.658544] [0x00000f84] (info): listening to IP3 - acts server

Why a "Failed to AddListeningUrl for adobeconnect error = 183" error?


In the stunnel log file I have the following errors:

2021.04.06 03:37:48 LOG3 [364]: SSL_accept: ssl / statem / statem_srvr.c: 1666: error: 1420918C: SSL routines: tls_early_post_process_client_hello: version too low

2021.04.07 11:42:09 LOG3 [80]: SSL_accept: ssl / statem / statem_srvr.c: 1760: error: 142090C1: SSL routines: tls_early_post_process_client_hello: no shared cipher

2021.04.07 11:42:10 LOG3 [81]: SSL_accept: ssl / statem / extensions_srvr.c: 692: error: 141CF06C: SSL routines: tls_parse_ctos_key_share: bad key share

2021.04.07 13:22:47 LOG3 [345]: SSL_accept: ssl / record / ssl3_record.c: 331: error: 1408F10B: SSL routines: ssl3_get_record: wrong version number

2021.04.07 13:59:54 LOG3 [389]: SSL_accept: ssl / record / rec_layer_s3.c: 1535: error: 14094416: SSL routines: ssl3_read_bytes: sslv3 alert certificate unknown

I have a lot of mistakes !

For the stunnel.conf configuration, there are:

sslVersion = all
options = NO_SSLv2
options = NO_SSLv3

Why is the version too low since we don't take SSL ?

Do I need an SSL version ?

I installed an STunnel 5.56 version on the server.

Do I need to install a more recent version ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,


#4 2021-04-08 16:58:19


Re: Adobe Connect disconnection with users

You'd need to talk to the Adobe Support team to sort out what the 183 error code is.

If your Stunnel logs are showing those errors, then that could lead to errors in Connect that is expecting Stunnel to be working. It looks like there may be an issue with your SSL certificate and key based on the errors you show. Make sure that they are in the location you want and that the file path is correctly placed in the stunnel.conf file. I think it is easier to put the full file location, rather than placing it in the root folder of Stunnel. That way I can have a specific certificates location to mange.


#5 2021-04-09 09:02:46


Re: Adobe Connect disconnection with users


Thank you for your reply.

I updated STunnel from 5.56 to 5.59.

I already had the following log stunnel information :

The recognitions of the rtmp, acts and adobeconnect keys are correct :

Date Time LOG6 [main]: Initializing service [rtmps-vip]
Date Time LOG6 [main]: stunnel default security level set: 2
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Loading certificate from file: adobeconnect-rtmp_univ-tlse3_fr.crt
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Certificate loaded from file: adobeconnect-rtmp_univ-tlse3_fr.crt
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Loading private key from file: adobeconnect-rtmp_univ-tlse3_en.key
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Private key loaded from file: adobeconnect-rtmp_univ-tlse3_en.key

Date Time LOG6 [main]: Initializing service [acts]
Date Time LOG6 [main]: stunnel default security level set: 2
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Loading certificate from file: adobeconnect-acts_univ-tlse3_fr.crt
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Certificate loaded from file: adobeconnect-acts_univ-tlse3_fr.crt
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Loading private key from file: adobeconnect-acts_univ-tlse3_en.key
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Private key loaded from file: adobeconnect-acts_univ-tlse3_en.key

Date Time LOG6 [main]: Initializing service [https-vip]
Date Time LOG6 [main]: stunnel default security level set: 2
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Loading certificate from file: adobeconnect_univ-tlse3_fr.crt
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Certificate loaded from file: adobeconnect_univ-tlse3_fr.crt
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Loading private key from file: adobeconnect_univ-tlse3_fr.key
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Private key loaded from file: adobeconnect_univ-tlse3_en.key

Valid links with the 3 servers

Configuration successful
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Service [rtmps-vip] (FD = 520) bound to IP2: 443
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Service [acts] (FD = 504) bound to IP3: 443
Date Time LOG6 [main]: Service [https-vip] (FD = 540) bound to IP1: 443

I only have this error message:

Date Time LOG3 [416]: SSL_accept: ssl / record / ssl3_record.c: 331: error: 1408F10B: SSL routines: ssl3_get_record: wrong version number

Best regards,


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