Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2014-05-08 09:28:05


Issue with Training Curriculum set up in Shared Training Region

We have a training curriculum set up in the Shared Training region in Connect. We have employees and external clients registered in this curriculum. One of our external clients has been having an issue viewing some of the courses. She can see some on one day, others on another, and most recently she is able to access all items in the curriculum.

Has there been an upgrade or patch to Adobe Connect in March or April that may have caused this? All other registrants have not experienced an issue with our curriculum yet, which is good. I'm also going to provide this client's settings information below to see if any of these are what's causing this strange issue.

- Operating System = Windows 7 Home Premium
- Supported Browser = Google Chrome
- Higher Processor than 1.4GHz
- Has the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed
- Her bandwidth is 617.3 Kbps
- She is working with a wired connection
- Pop-up blockers have been disabled

Everything she has listed is part of our recommendations in our training's Technical Requirements Guide, so any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Andrea


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