Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2012-08-14 01:47:16


Adobe Connect building block for Blackboard

Hi all,

The Adobe Connect Blackboard building block is now maintained and supported through our website:

You can download the latest version at:

I'll admit we haven't done a very good job of keeping this community up to date on the Blackboard integration. I apologize and we're working to improve on that. We've recently built out the support website to include troubleshooting information and bug/incident reporting.

Adobe had a very old version of the building block on their Blackboard Extensions page until fairly recently. If your organization is using the building block, make sure you're running at least version 2.0.17 (current versions is 2.0.22).

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.



#2 2012-08-14 12:32:21


Re: Adobe Connect building block for Blackboard

Thanks Paul!


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