Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2012-06-04 13:28:29


Report Active Meetings


First of all congratulations for this fantastic forum.
It's my first topic in this forum.

In the Adobe Connect 8 API, the instruction report-active-meetings says that the attribute active-participants return the number of users attending the meeting in progress, including hosts and presenters, but really return only the number of presenters in my tests.

I want to know what is the cause.

Best regards.


#2 2012-06-04 15:27:25


Re: Report Active Meetings


Are you logged in to Connect as an Administrator, or a Presenter (if it's the latter, that would explain the results).

Connect won't show results for some API calls unless you have permissions to view them.




#3 2012-06-04 17:44:51


Re: Report Active Meetings

Yes, I'm logged in as an Administrator.
Connect show me results.

report-active-meetings show me one member less than those connected.

When only is connected the creator of the meeting report-active-meetings return me 0 as active-participants

Thank you for the answer.


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