Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2012-03-06 16:43:06


Breakouts on iPad using Note box (or boxes)

We use breakouts for interactive exercises/activities where small group discussion is captured. No problem with the standard PC environment but really struggling to find something when the participants are all on iPads. A big client of ours is moving everyone we train to iPads. We have experimented with using Note pods in the breakout rooms but keep experiencing issues when different people try to enter text into the same Note pod (not asking them to do it at the same time). When person #2 starts typing into the Note pod, person #1's view changes back to what is displayed in the Main room. The only way to get #1's view back is to take them out of the breakout room (into the Main Room) and then move them again into the breakout.

Some questions:
- Does the mobile app support Notes pods in breakouts?
- Should more than 1 person in the breakout be able to enter text in the Notes pod without the system changing another person's view?

Thanks in advance for your input.


#2 2012-03-12 15:27:37


Re: Breakouts on iPad using Note box (or boxes)


- Does the mobile app support Notes pods in breakouts?
We do not support all the features in the breakout but the Note pod should be supported in a breakout room.

- Should more than 1 person in the breakout be able to enter text in the Notes pod without the system changing another person's view?
There is an issue where if 2 people start typing at the same time, the text will be overlapped each other. However, while the first person types the text into the Notes pod, the second person who is in the same breakout room should see the text being entered by the first person.

What version of the Adobe Connect Mobile app are your client using?
What version of Connect server are your client using?

Can you ensure your client is using Adobe Connect Mobile app version1.7.5?



#3 2012-03-12 16:13:55


Re: Breakouts on iPad using Note box (or boxes)

Mobile app = 1.7.5
Server is 8.2 (hosted)

We will have people typing 1 at a time. When person #1 now types, person #2 can see it. We get a problem though when person 1 stops typing and hands over the typing to person #2. Person #2 types with no problem but person 1 suddenly starts seeing what is displayed in the main room (not what is in the breakout room). The only way we can fix this is to moving person #1 to the main room and then move them back to #2. It works but is not practical since in a group of 20-25 people in 4-5 breakouts we don't have a way to know who is seeing what.

Hope this makes sense. We are trying to use the Notes pod as a work around since no other collaboration tools work on the iPad.



#4 2012-03-12 16:47:25


Re: Breakouts on iPad using Note box (or boxes)

There is 1 thing I forgot to mention any users who join the meeting after the breakout started will get into a situation where the user seems to be in the breakout room but actually not seeing the content for that breakout room. You have to remove them from the breakout and put them back into the breakout room. I believe you are running into this issue which will be addressed in the future version of Adobe Connect Mobile app. Hence, earlier I stated that we do not support all the breakout features in the current release.


#5 2012-03-12 21:06:02


Re: Breakouts on iPad using Note box (or boxes)

That is not our issue but thank you for explaining. The users are not joining after the breakout starts.


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