Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2013-06-07 03:59:21


Enable Enhanced Security


I'm working on SSO between Wordpress and Adobe Connect.
When logged user in Wordpress click a link he is automatically logged in Adobe and redirect to a meeting room.
First I get the breeze cookie value 'https://domain/api/xml?action=common-info'
Then I log in the user by adding the cookie value next to the api call 'https://domain/api/xml?action=login&login=login_id&password=password&session=cookie_value'.
And everything worked.

After I check in 'Enable Enhanced Security' in the Adobe Connect backend (Administration->More settings), code stopped working.
I read that after user is logged another cookie is generated and I should use that cookie in other api calls.
So I  get the breeze cookie value 'https://domain/api/xml?action=common-info'
then log in the user 'https://domain/api/xml?action=login&login=login_id&password=password&session=cookie_value'
After that I call again 'https://domain/api/xml?action=common-info' to get new generated cookie value and I use that cookie to enter to the room 'https://domain/room?session=new_cookie_value'.
...But it's not working.
I tried this  directly in browser and it worked, but from the code it's not working (I'm using PHP).

Any idea why this is not working? Am I doing something wrong?


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