Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2007-12-14 19:27:03


Relative links no longer working in Presenter 6.0

I don't know about anyone else, but this is quickly becoming a huge problem for quite a few 6.0 users that I've been talking to recently...

In Breeze 5.x, it was a "fairly" straightforward process to create an object in powerpoint and then assign that object a hyperlink using relative addressing (and in my case, that means pointing to pdf docs, etc).  I say "fairly" because depending on the file directory/structure of where you've saved a ppt deck, the resulting link often needed to be massaged in order to work.

Relative linking is absolutely critical to us because we often have to deploy training on CDs, and we've also worked with clients who have set limitations with deployment on LMS systems, which in turn would make it significantly harder to have links pointing to absolute URLs.

Now, however, it seems that Presenter 6.0 has thrown a wrench into things...

I've spoken to a small handful of 6.0 authors who are complaining that their relative links are getting re-addressed as absolute links, and in one case, a user's link pointed back to the "Documents and Settings" folder after the deck was published.  However, after closer inspection, it was very clear that the developer *clearly* used correct pathing in powerpoint, but the published content totally converted the link!!!

Admittedly, I'm still waiting on my version of 6.0 to test this further, so I'm forced to ask the group at large: has anyone else seen this problem, and if so, what path(s) are you seeing happening to your relative links after publishing a deck?

If not, what pathing are you using to circumvent the above mentioned problem?



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