Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2020-09-09 08:39:28


Challenges and questions with the new Adobe Connect 11

in the HTML update, I noticed the following items as a host. 

1. Slides (these were already uploaded prior to the upgrade) sometimes now "auto advance" as if the "play button" were pressed. Yesterday, I was "disconnected" a couple of times during a presentation and when it reconnected (it did so automatically), the slides started advancing on their own (from the default 5 second time.)  I had to find the play bar (which is now in the menu) and click the pause button.  All fine, but then when it disconnected it started up again.  Note these PowerPoint slides do NOT have any auto advance in them.
2. The sidebar defaults to "notes" instead of outline. I guess that's a new feature, but annoying to me as need the outline for navigation more than I need the notes.
3. The layout view on the right does not show the entire layout name. Even when hovering. You also cannot see it form the "manage layout" menu.  You have to EDIT the layout to see the full name.
4. The file pod has a lot of wasted space so it now requires us to resize a bunch of pods in order to show all of the files without scrolling. I'm sure this is a new feature, but again, annoying.
5. Hovering over someone's name in the attendee pod doesn't show their full text of their name. (We use their name to have their organization, group number, etc, which we create prior to the course and assign, making the task of seeing who's in your group much simpler.)
6. Much harder to see the delineations of the pods due to the new colors. We've gotten around this somewhat by putting a black background on the meeting so you can more easily tell the pods apart. (This is especially true on a busier layout.)
7. The default text size can't be changed on a shape in the whiteboard. If you make a shape and double click to add text it defaults to 16 point. If you modify this, it will not stay, so the next shape you double click in, starts at 16 points again.


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