Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-01-24 13:12:08


Ability to scroll beyond page break in folders when choosing content

We have a Connect ustomer who has so many content folders that they have reached the maximum number that can be seen when assigning content for a course. When the product was Breeze, no one must have considered the need to access a certain number of folders on a page during the content selection process fro training. This means that some folders are out of range. The only workaround solution is to have the training manager add a&filter-like-name=(name of folder) to the browser string to enable Connect to display the folder. Having looked at this problem I can see it would also affect selecting meetings as well

A working scroll or Next button would help. or an alphabetic select list would also aid in resolving this major admin problem. You can see the exact nature of the problem and the level of frustration from the copied email below.

Just to make sure you understand the Adobe Connect difficulty that is the most critical today.

I am unable to get to the Ed Services folder


#2 2009-01-24 15:42:56


Re: Ability to scroll beyond page break in folders when choosing content

Just a quick workaround - one of the parameters in the URL is filter-rows=100 by default. I usually change this to 10,000 to bring up all files in one view.


#3 2009-01-24 17:53:41


Re: Ability to scroll beyond page break in folders when choosing content

Thanks T.
I was already aware of the other method, I jsut didn't want to take the space to add that to the list. My point is, neither workaround should be needed if Adobe would just make the fix on the server. Someone needs to accountable for making these cahnges and, in my opinion, accepting a lack of response only encourages it in the future


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