Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-01-13 02:56:06


Allow hosts to specify or override the Bandwidth Setting for all users

We frequently find clients are complaining that their meetings are laggy or very slow only to find that the cause is that some or all of the participants have their meeting connection speed set to LAN. At this setting, ACP attempts to use a higher frame rate (at least I think that's what it does) and frequently the result is horrible performance - the exact opposite of what users expect.

Asking users to change their Meeting Connection Speed to Cable/DSL usually improves performance for everyone.

While the host can set the Default Meeting Speed (we modify all of our Templates to use the Cable/DSL setting) they have no control over the settings used by individual attendees.

Users either don't bother setting their connection speed (whether you prompt them to or not in a Lobby presentation - this doesn't help with latecomers anyway) or they set the speed too high.

It would be great if Hosts could override these settings or at the least know what each user is set at in the Attendee Pod.

We think this is so critical to good meeting response that we'll be adding it to our free PODzilla application but it should be built in funtionality in ACP.


#2 2009-01-13 08:45:59


Re: Allow hosts to specify or override the Bandwidth Setting for all users

This is an excellent suggestion Terry.

And while we are at it - if the meeting host could run the audio setup wizard AND adjust audio levels for remote presenters while presenting - now that would be awesome!


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