Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-06-30 02:59:27


Trouble With Web Services.

I am trying to integrate the XML web services in my ASP.NET application. I am sending the following series of XMLs to connect and create and find a user.
I am able to login, but i get a response of "no-AccessCode".

here is the series of XMLs I am sending.

Please help me in finding the actual issue.

<param name="action">common-info</param>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<results><status code="ok"/><common locale="en" time-zone-id="85"><cookie>breezyzwsqo2finzsvuer</cookie><date>2008-06-30T07:26:02.030+00:00</date><host></host><local-host>p01brzpr46</local-host><admin-host></admin-host><url>/api/xml?</url><version>connect_700_r706</version><user-agent>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5)</user-agent></common></results>


"<param name="session">breezyzwsqo2finzsvuer</param><param name="action">login</param><param name="login"></param><param name="password">********</param>"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<results><status code="ok"/></results>"

Find User:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><params><param name="session">breezyzwsqo2finzsvuer</param><param name="action">report-bulk-users</param><param name="filter-like-login">p1</param></params>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<results><status code="no-access" subcode="no-login"/></results>

Create User:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><params><param name="session">breezyzwsqo2finzsvuer</param><param name="action">principal-update</param><param name="first-name">UVN2080427802</param><param name="last-name">Saradhi341851734</param><param name="login"></param><param name="password">UVN2080427802$123</param><param name="has-children">0</param><param name="type">user</param><param name="email">False</param></params>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<results><status code="no-access" subcode="no-login"/></results>


#2 2008-07-15 13:10:00


Re: Trouble With Web Services.

does that user name / password combo have the proper rights on the system to add users ( must be a member of the Admins group)

and if he does have permission do you grab the cookie before or after login has been OK'd? The cookie changes.


#3 2008-07-15 13:19:35


Re: Trouble With Web Services.

1) The user has the rights to add users.
2) I am taking the session after I login, so its the current session only.
3) Interestingly if i just change to use the Quesry string rather than posting the XML string, the same code works. Only issuue is sending XMl request and gettign the proper XML response.


#4 2008-07-15 13:34:10


Re: Trouble With Web Services.

is it possible that you are using a XMLHTTP request that is grabbing another cokkie from the server and ignoring your paramater?

I have used your fix method from the beginning and it works great. I grab the cookie right after login and store it as a variable (PublicCookie) then just append all requests with "&session=" + PublicCookie.

Last edited by **_jcooper9099_** (2008-07-15 13:37:46)


#5 2008-07-15 13:37:10


Re: Trouble With Web Services.

I have placed the XML REquest string just before the call of send() above in my post, as u see, the session cookie details r not changing, the change I made is in my APIrequest function, replaced the REquest as a query string instead of sending as XML Request and everything started working. So i am really missing the issue here.


#6 2008-07-15 14:03:58


Re: Trouble With Web Services.

You are right, the cookie no longer changes. I documented the changing cookie in Connect 6... I wonder if you don't include the cookie in the request if the server issues another cookie. It really shouldn't... That's strange.


#7 2008-07-15 14:08:18


Re: Trouble With Web Services.

Interesting part is I used to have a VB dll earlier and It works even with XML request and Response. I converted it VB.NET and the trouble started. I am guessing somethign related to my Conversion, but couldnt figure out. If the XML request and XML response is OK, I dont know what more I should look for . :(


#8 2008-07-15 14:47:51


Re: Trouble With Web Services.

Do you have the webservices API documentation for connect 7?


#9 2008-07-15 14:51:58


Re: Trouble With Web Services.

yes, I have


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