Adobe Connect User Community

Adobe Connect ID’s are changing from INT to BIGINT

Expertise Level: Administrator

5 Votes

Due to the growing popularity of Adobe Connect, more and more customers rely on Adobe Connect for their collaboration needs and this naturally requires that we make adjustments to accommodate the growth.  We want to make you aware of an upcoming adjustment to the ID values in Adobe Connect databases to support longer values which will accommodate growing customer use of Adobe Connect.

What is being changed?

Starting with release 9.5.2, Adobe Connect will migrate the ID values in Connect databases from INT to BIGINT/Long.

What is the impact?

This change will impact any applications using Adobe Connect Web Service APIs.

How will Adobe Connect Web Service APIs be affected?

The change is for those APIs which consume/return id values i.e. which have a parameter in request/response which is an Id. (examples: sco-id, account-id, folder-id, etc).  The id fields in such APIs would return/accept larger values. The support and behavior of existing APIs remains same.

What does this mean for you?

In case you are interpreting ids as integers the new values might overflow. We strongly recommend using strings to represent id values. In case you still need to represent/store ids as a numeral please use integral data type with higher capacity. (Preferably 64 bit)

What is the timing?

We expect to release Connect 9.5.2 in the first quarter of 2016, so the change should be made as soon as possible in order to be ready prior to the release.

November 2015

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