Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2015-09-04 16:47:33


Uploading an image into a Whiteboard

I'm representing several fellow math instructors here:

Ideally, we would love to take a screen capture of a problem (from ALEKS, MyMathLab, worksheets, etc.), paste it into the whiteboard, and be able to work out the problem below it.  It would be best if there was actually a screen-capture tool in the whiteboard tools, but I'd be happy just with the ability to copy and paste an image into the whiteboard.

As it is now, the instructor can upload a file, and draw on it.  But this causes one of two problems:
1) If they upload just the screen capture picture, then there is no room to write.
2) If they put the screen capture into, say, a Word doc, and then save as a PDF, then upload that file, then it's just a time sink.  "Hold on a few minutes while I get this picture ready..."

Has a screen capturing solution already been developed?  Is this on the roadmap to be developed?  Is that something I can create as a custom pod?

Looking for ideas.  Thanks!


Last edited by nerylx (2015-09-04 16:47:48)


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