Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2014-09-03 18:54:05

Perry Way

API adding files fails on certain file types

I'm getting a variety of errors based on the file types I'm uploading through the API.

*.txt files are erroring with a code listing "invalid". There is a companion XML element for "invalid" and it shows additional information leading me to think the file is the wrong format, with two attributes, one field=file and the other is subcode=format. So I'm taking this to mean that *.txt files are invalid file formats for Adobe Connect. Yet, I can interactively upload the same file in the browser client.

*.jpg files are working perfectly

*.docx files also come back with invalid

In fact, many file formats are coming back as invalid. It's got me perplexed. Could it be the way Microsoft (server is on Windows) provides MIME types that is not in order with what Adobe expects for these files? Because I can upload almost any file type possible, interactively in the browser, this makes me think there is something wrong with MIME types. For instance, for the *.txt files the MIME type returned by my function is "text/plain". Perhaps that's not what Adobe wants? I'm in the dark, and hoping someone has some advice that is pertinent here.

My MIME type function (php) is the following code, could it be the wrong thing I should call?:

function getMIMEType($filepath)
    $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
    $mimeType = finfo_file($finfo, $filepath);
    echo "MIME Type for $filepath: $mimeType\r\n";
    return $mimeType;


#2 2014-09-04 10:01:30


Re: API adding files fails on certain file types

The supported file types for the Connect server are:

The file should be one of the following formats: *.ppt, *.pptx, *.flv, *.swf, *.pdf, *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.mp3, *.html, *.mp4, *.f4v or *.zip. Please refer to the documentation for valid contents for zip files.

Full documentation here: … B30DE.html

Txt and doc(x) files are not supported.

However, if you want to upload one of the non-supported file types, you can upload them into a Files pod in a meeting room and then transfer them from the Uploaded Content section of the meeting room to the Content library. They will be seen as an Attachment file type, and available for download only.


#3 2014-09-04 12:43:13

Perry Way

Re: API adding files fails on certain file types

Thank you Jorma! I must admit I'm not much of a user of Adobe Connect, so I wasn't aware of these file restrictions before programming an interface to their API. I've got a solution now, so thanks!


#4 2014-09-04 13:11:23


Re: API adding files fails on certain file types

Glad to help. I did notice that this isn't mentioned in the API documentation, so I could see how it would get missed.


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